Thursday, January 10, 2013


The first stanza might be used for another peom, because I am not comfortable with the transition.

"Ivory pettles and saphire sashes,
Cascading from heaven slowly and ardently.
Innocent laughter and tender caresses,
Mark a beginning but also an end.
Friends from afar and those held close,
All gathered 'round to eat and be merry,
For today the sorrow is vanguished
And tomorrow everlasting happiness rises.
For today the book turns its pages
And tomorrow a new chapter it writes.

"Ivory petals against an ebony sky,
Only to fall and be consumed by fire,
But this fire is only death to the petals,
And all other life is warmed with its intensity.
The same intensity with which a man loves,
Often taken for granted and misunderstood,
But steadfastly there and nonwitholding.
A kindred soul who goes beyond time,
Shelters his woman in his arms of solace,
And whom could never receive enough to be repaid for the joy he has bestowed upon her.

"The fire within his heart burns so intensly that it has relit the flame she had lost,
Now together they burn steadfast and brilliant,
And warm another until the day that one is extinguished to never burn again...
Then both shall be gone but his legacy will remain,
Due to the warming fires that their heart ignited along the way."

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