Saturday, October 18, 2014

[No Title]

I want to have the words to describe what I am feeling, but I don't.
Even trying to find the proper words leaves my head reeling.
I am filled with love disguised as hate or perhaps my hatred hides behind love.
My directions are unclear, and my path is covered by the leaves of changing seasons.
Do I see beauty or ashes by my reflection in the mirror? I can't tell.

Is it the light of dawn shining through the trees, or the sun determined to bring me to my knees?
To be a fool who believes himself to be wise, or a wise man who has to play the fool.
Flames that cool and ice that burns.
Sinking into the sky and soaring into the earth.
I want to have the words to describe what I am feeling, but I don't.
Heroes and villians dance between my ears and across my memories.
Night and day, brick and straw, ice and fire, opposite but related.
My thoughts have no substance. They jump from here to there unable to be contained.
A torrent of vulgar and graceful waters rip through my being.
Ascendence. Deliverance. Independence

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